Webinar Series: First-Party Data Marketing Summit

Replays of the new Tinyclues virtual First-Party Data Marketing Summit are now available. Watch the webinar series!

Hear from brand marketers within CRM and acquisition, tech experts, and experienced CRM marketers as they share and discuss the best ways to use first-party data to acquire new customers, increase CRM revenue, and create personalized, relevant experiences for consumers. Featured webinars are in both English and French.

Watch this webinar series for a healthy dose of inspiration 👇

English Track

Webinar #1: Building a Hands-On First-Party Data Strategy

Discover how to design and implement an efficient first-party data strategy with Jan Hendrik Fleury, Chairman of the Dutch Data-Driven Marketing Association.

In order to become customer-centric in a privacy-compliant manner while still securing topline revenue, successful companies build a holistic approach that includes both technical and organizational elements. Jan Hendrik will show you how to design and implement a first-party data strategy in a pragmatic way including examples and an approach you can start with tomorrow.

Webinar #2: Connecting Digital Client Acquisition and Retention with Zero-Party Data

Discover how to collect and make use of zero-party data to bolster your business efforts.

As the digital space has become more crowded, client acquisition and retention costs have increased. The collection of specific zero-party data at the point of acquisition, and its integration into CRM marketing, allows brands to better assess the quality of the acquired clients, and maximize retention efforts.

This session will provide an overview as well as a step-by-step roadmap for collecting and integrating zero-party data into marketing for different business models.

Discover how to collect and make use of zero-party data to bolster your business efforts.

As the digital space has become more crowded, client acquisition and retention costs have increased. The collection of specific zero-party data at the point of acquisition, and its integration into CRM marketing, allows brands to better assess the quality of the acquired clients, and maximize retention efforts.

This session will provide an overview as well as a step-by-step roadmap for collecting and integrating zero-party data into marketing for different business models.

French track

Webinar #3: Comment bien collecter emails et first-party data sur son site web ?

Formulaires de contact, inscription newsletters, incentives, validation des données… retours sur les bonnes pratiques de collecte illustrées par quelques cas pratiques.

Collecte de données sur mesure, données obligatoires, incitation à l’inscription, dispositifs promotionnels, RGPD… Découvrez les conseils de Loïc Péron, Director of Customer Success chez Validity

Webinar #4: Vision first-party data par Renault

Au cours de ce webinar, découvrez la vision et les approches de la first-party data par Renault dans une optique d’efficience.

Préoccupation des données first-party, organisation de Renault au niveau global, grands objectifs et metrics suivis au quotidien, cas d’usage, prochains défis et grands chantiers organisationnels et technologiques: assistez au témoignage de Romain Samptiaux, Chef de Pôle Data et Performance chez Renault, recueilli par Romain Schuller, Enterprise Sales Director, CRM chez Zeta Global.

Au cours de ce webinar, découvrez la vision et les approches de la first-party data par Renault dans une optique d’efficience.

Préoccupation des données first-party, organisation de Renault au niveau global, grands objectifs et metrics suivis au quotidien, cas d’usage, prochains défis et grands chantiers organisationnels et technologiques: assistez au témoignage de Romain Samptiaux, Chef de Pôle Data et Performance chez Renault, recueilli par Romain Schuller, Enterprise Sales Director, CRM chez Zeta Global.

Webinar #5: La success story Sarenza x Tinyclues – moins de pression, plus de personnalisation

Découvrez comment Sarenza a basculé 100% de ses campagnes CRM sur la plateforme Tinyclues pour optimiser sa gestion de la pression marketing et personnaliser sa stratégie d’animation de l’offre.

Rechallenge du plan de campagnes, refonte de la segmentation de l’offre, réduction de la pression, optimisation de la stratégie de contenus via l’exploitation des données Tinyclues : Sarenza vous livrera les clés du succès de leur équipe CRM !